Latest News
Whole School
- Our chosen team for this event were absolute stars and played some fantastic football.
- In December, Team GB gymnast Courtney Tulloch will be visiting our school to inspire the next generation of athletes.
- Last week Voyagers and Discoverers started our Drawing Club.
- Discoverers, Voyagers, Inventors and Pioneers all took part in KS2 Sports Day.
Bishopsteignton Primary School is located in the heart of the thriving village of Bishopsteignton, overlooking the beautiful River Teign. Our dedicated school community holds close the motto "Believe in ourselves; be the best we can be" and aims for the very best outcomes for all pupils. Bishopsteignton Primary School provides an enriched education for its pupils, with teaching reflecting the school values of curiosity, high expectations, resilience, collaboration, empathy, and self-belief.
Latest School calendar Events
- In House Forest School - Year 204Dec2024
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm @ In School grounds
- After School Forest Club - Year 4 and 604Dec2024
3:20 pm - 4:30 pm @ In School grounds
Prebooked After School Forest Club for years 4 and 6
- TUCST Football Club KS205Dec2024
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm @ In School grounds
Bookings are direct with TUCST
- Non Uniform Day06Dec2024
@ In School
Non Uniform Day in lieu of donations for the FOBS Christmas Fayre
- FOBS Christmas Fayre06Dec2024
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm @ In School