Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

  1. Learning
  2. Curriculum
  3. Science



What are we trying to achieve here with, and through, our science curriculum?  

Science at Bishopsteignton is built on a foundation of enquiry based learning. We will foster children’s curiosity and encourage them to ask their own questions and theorise their own means of answering them. This fundamental skill of working scientifically will be developed throughout their journey as learners, building on their prior knowledge and enthusiasm. We aim to embed knowledge, understanding and skills using a variety of approaches enabling children to problem solve, encouraging children to think, rather than just remember.

Pupil Voice


Do you enjoy Science lessons?  Why?

“I really liked the giant snails.  They came from Shaldon Zoo in a giant box and we got to hold them. We picked them up with our hands. They had stick insects too!”

“The snails were real, not fake.  I liked holding them. The stick insect pooed!  That was my favourite.” Explorers

Yes, you do lots of writing.”

“I really like to learn about animals.”.

“We did flowers.  I liked that!" (KS1)


“It’s my favourite subject! We try new things and look at animals!”

“ We get to test things and go on the field and investigate bugs and animals!”

“I like how stuff works and Science is all about that!” (LKS2)


“It’s not just writing things, but being able to explain them, draw them and record them.”

“I really enjoy it because we can do all the different experiments, such as the mouldy bread.  It was interesting because it showed how all those sorts of things can grow over a short period of time.  You could even do it at home over a longer period of time.”

“Yes, I like doing new things and finding out about them.” 

“Yes! They are fun and exciting because we get to try new things and we get to experiment.” (UKS2)

My favourite piece of work this year….

 “I loved the stick insects; they were so tickly and crawling up my arm. I also liked the snake skin!”

“By the tree we saw a really black beetle. It was nearly blue, it was so shiny!”  Explorers


“We did materials and animals.  A mammal has live young and gives milk.”

“Using notes on the board and photos.  I like this and it helps me remember the lesson.  I liked that day! (KS1)


“Mine was definitely doing the classification key because you had no limits to what your questions are - as long as it’s sensible.  I used pattern seeking - it was easy to see which went in which column.”

“I like this one [comparative insect identification and sorting] because we had the freedom to run around on the field and find answers.  It’s a little bit of pattern seeking, as one was nearer to Winter and one nearer Summer to show changes, and grouping and classifying each species.”  (LKS2)


“When we got to find out about our favourite animals because we could find out about what we were interested in and find out more in further detail.  I enjoyed researching on the computer.  I used pattern seeking as they had the same kingdom, class and phylum.  I also used research using secondary sources. When I go to secondary, the knowledge of the animals and classes and classification of most animals will help me in lessons.”

“I liked doing the Literacy and Science together and writing about the frogs.  I really enjoyed the illustrations,  especially the dangling frog! I did research using secondary sources.”  (UKS2)

Additional Documentation

Science Long Term Plan 

Science Progression Map

Science Coverage

Science Knowledge Progression