Pioneers / Inventors Archive
11th - 15th September
Posted: Sep 15, 2017 by: admin on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.
In maths this week, the children continued with their learning about place value, particularly investigating when and how to round numbers, negative numbers in context and counting in powers of 10 - all skills that form some of the foundations for further maths learning.
In literacy, we used a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) to introduce our first writing unit of Information Reports. The children are very excited that they will be working on writing a factual text about one of the Deadly 60 animals over the next couple of week and are already looking forward to sharing these with you at the Curriculum Celebration next half term. So far we have looked at a text reconstruction and the language features that should be included in a good information text.
In topic, we explored more of the geography side of 'Deadly 60' and discovered where top 10 deadly animals live! We familarised ourselves with the seven continents of the world and were able to record these on our own maps. In science, the children looked at animal classification and today, they were able to create a bar chart based on animal classification. The children were also able to showcase their artistic skills this week by following a tutorial to draw and design a deadly animal!
Thanks to all the Inventors and Pioneers for such an enjoyable week!