Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

  2. Pioneers / Inventors Archive

Pioneers / Inventors Archive



Learning Update!

Posted: Feb 5, 2018 by: admin on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.

This week's update has been written with the help of the Inventors:


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In science, we have been learning lots about forces. We learnt about the very first parachute attempts and then had a go at making our own parachutes. We then thought about an enquiry question after considering variables such as canopy size, length of string and material used. We have also been learning about air and water resistance. We experimented with blu tac in water, altering the shape to see if we could make the blu tac float or sink to the bottom quickly. 


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In music, we have been learning "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air", an old-school hip-hop classic by Will Smith. We learnt about the pulse of the music by copying some animals on screen. We also started to  incorporate instruments into our performance - this is something we will  continue with after half term - some children have offered to bring their own instruments in to accompany our rapping! 


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We have started to explore pointillism  - particularly looking at the work of Georges Seurat. We have also been learning about warm and cool colours and how colours contrast and compliment each other. Above is a famous picture by Seurat that we have explored in our classes. 


Mrs Stevens and Miss Leballeur were delighted with our recent arithmetic results - lots of children have been working hard and making good progress! We have also been interpreting line graphs and pie charts as well as starting to be able to find and express simple rules in algebra. 


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We are very proud of our newspaper articles based on the Titanic and look forward to sharing these with our parents int he curriculum celebration. We have now moved on to writing discussion texts based on the moon landing - was it a hoax? We are still largely undecided - what will you decide once you have read our texts?