Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

    Bishopsteignton Primary School News

    The latest news stories from Bishopsteignton Primary School.


    News Stories

    • Red Nose Day Round Up...
      Thank you to everyone who donated money towards our Comic Relief activities. We raised a total of £659.60! Amazing! Attached is the winning design & runners up of the competition.
    • Should it stay or should it go?
      The vote's were in and counted and the outcome of Mr Killoran's beard decided! 43% voted to keep the beard, and 57% voted that it should go, so there was only one answer...!!
    • The Winning Cakes
      Here are the winning cakes from Bishop Bake Off! We even made the news - page 9 of the Herald Express!
    • Great Bishop Bake Off
      Thank you to everyone who supported the Great Bishop Bake Off. It was truly a spectacular success! After all of the donations have been counted we raised £351.25 for Motor Neurone Disease Association.
    • Fire Safety Talk
      Our Year 2 and Year 5 pupils enjoyed a talk from Devon Fire Safety on Thursday 2nd March learning about how to prevent fire and how to keep safe in the event of an emergency.
    • Ofsted inspection on Tuesday 7th March 2017
      On Ofsted inspector will be visiting the school tomorrow. A letter has been emailed out today containing further information and an online link to a parent questionnaire.
    • Bedtime Anytime!!
      We had great fun celebrating World Book Day on Thursday, dressed in our PJ's as our theme was 'Bedtime Anytime' to promote a love of reading at any point in the day.
    • St Petrock's write to say 'Thank you!'
      The school received a lovely letter to say 'thank you' for the contributions from our Harvest Festival.
    • Year 5 & 6 Cycle Training
      Some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils have been braving the cold this week to take part in cycle training, working towards their Bikeability Level 1 and 2.
    • School Council participates in Food Tasting Session
      Mr Chris Baker, a current supplier came in and together with Vicki Beaulah, our Catering Manager, led a food tasting session with the School Council. They tried Sea Side Salmon with a Vinegar Batter and Lemon Crumb Breaded Salmon.
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