Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

    Bishopsteignton Primary School News

    The latest news stories from Bishopsteignton Primary School.


    News Stories

    • House Point Winners!
      Exe and Teign celebrated winning the most House Points with hot chocolates, chocolate biscuits and watching The Snowman!
    • Christmas Lunch
      15 December 2016 (by bishopste) The whole school enjoyed a delicious Christmas Lunch together in the hall, with crackers and festive tunes!
    • Armistice Day
      All of our Key Stage 2 pupils walked up to the Bishopsteignton War Memorial to be part of the service and acknowledge the two-minute silence.
    • Parent Feedback
      If you have not yet returned your completed Parent Feedback Questionnaire you can drop it into the office!
    • Harvest Festival
      The children sang songs & displayed examples of their art work together whilst considering the important messages behind Harvest of sharing and thinking of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Thank you for the kind donations for HITS.
    • Royal Correspondence!
      There was excitement in the Pioneers class as pupils received a letter from the Queen.
    • Year 6 Residential
      Our Year 6 students enjoyed a great week at Grenville House on their residential trip.
    • Welcome to the Explorers Class
      Everyone has been having lots of fun in Explorers getting to know each other, the classroom and also exploring the school.
    • Arrival of the new classrooms makes the local newspaper!
      Follow the link to see the article in the Mid Devon Advertiser.
    • FOBS Bags2School Fundraiser
      Thank you to everyone who brought in filled bags to be collected by Bags2School - there was a big pile waiting to be collected.
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